I Just love this time of year with all the wonderful colours that appear around us.
I had a bit of a garden tidy up this week, taking down the spent runner beans and emptying out the flowerpots and planters in readiness to plant up with bulbs and winter flowering plants.
I was taking the dead leaves off my red cordyline plants and was popping them into the green bin when I had a bit of a lightbulb moment!
I like to have a seasonal display on the dining room table and thought they would be perfect to use. I grabbed my secateurs and took a few small branches from the hedge and bound them together with some twine. I popped them in the little fishbowl and filled it with glass pebbles to hold it all in place then added a splash of colour with some artificial sunflowers and foliage and voila!
20 minutes later and I had my lovely looking autumnal display. I must admit I was rather pleased with the result; I just need to bring the wreaths inside and I am all set for autumn. Now I'm already thinking about the Christmas one.